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China Desk

Assistance services for Chinese business entering Russia

At TeDo, we strive to build trust and solve important problems for our clients. In addition to profound cultural experience, our experts have extensive expertise in Russian law and business operations. We leverage these skills and insights to offer diversified services to Chinese companies that plan to enter Russia or work with Russian partners. Our wide network of subcontractors and partners in China helps us to approach issues comprehensively from both Chinese and Russian perspective.


Our advantages

  • Full-scope professional services

  • Deep understanding of Russian local business culture and vast experience working with Chinese clients

  • Successful track record of similar projects for clients from other foreign jurisdictions operating in Russia (e.g. Western Europe, USA, Japan, Korea, India, Turkey, Vietnam)
  • Long-standing business contacts with local state authorities in Russia (Russian Ministry of Finance, Federal Tax Service etc.)

  • Profound expertise in local laws and regulations

  • Team of qualified local employees to outsource certain functions (tax compliance, tax accounting, book-keeping, payroll services etc.) in Russia

  • Deep understanding of cross-border trade flows and logistics routes

  • Wide network of trade partners in both countries offering support during negotiations

Types of projects

Advice on doing business in Russia (entry structure, financing, income repatriation, etc.)
Tax and legal structuring of trade flows and other operations in Russia
Assistance with KYC checks of Russian suppliers & partners
Assistance with legal contractual framework from both Russian and Chinese perspective
Advice on customs and other indirect tax matters for supplies from / to Russia
Compliance and reporting for a Russian subsidiary, branch or representative office (including tax status analysis in Russia)
Assistance with various issues of business set-up, employment and immigration
Tax and legal structuring of expatriate employee operations in Russia

News and Publications

Special edition: Russia’s tyre market outlook

May 2024

Our team